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Visitors / Postdoc Fellows

Abril Carolina Castro Aguilera (PhD)​
Currently at Hylleraas Centre for Quantum Molecular Sciences,
                     University of Oslo, Norway

Former PhD Students

Francisco Eduardo Rojas González


Main Supervisor of Thesis: Dr. José Luis Cabellos Quiroz


Ph.D. thesis: Effect of Temperature in the Properties of Atomic Nanoclusters of Aun (n=10 and 12) via DFT and Statistical Thermodynamics (in spanish).

Anderson Alvarez Quesada​​


Main Supervisor of Thesis: Dr. Gerardo González García


Ph.D. thesis: Study of Reactivity of Organohaloborane Complexes as Monomers for the Synthesis of Oligoboranes (in spanish).


M.Sc. thesis: Synthesis and Characterization of Oligoboranes.

Daniel Eduardo Trujillo González


PhD Thesis: Theoretical Study of Metallomimetic Reactions Using Boron- and Beryllium-Containing Compounds (in english)  Double Degree signed with University of Girona (Catalonia)

Co-supervisors of thesis: Prof. Dr. Miquel Solà i Puig (Universitat de Girona)

                                                Dr. Gerardo González García

Currently working as Associate Professor at the Universidad Santo Tomás in Colombia.

Maria Guadalupe Ortiz Aldaco


PhD thesis: Mechanistic Aspects of the Polymerization and Structure−Property in Oligomers: A Theoretical and Experimental Study (in spanish)

Main supervisor of thesis: Dr. Jose E. Baez


M.Sc. thesis: Ring-Opening Polymerization of L-lactide Using Bismuth Compounds as Catalysts. Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Initiation Stage (in spanish)

                      Co-Supervisor of Thesis: Dr. Jose E. Baez


B.Sc. thesis: Conformational Study of Substituted closo-Carboranes and Addition Reactions Between (1,2-dehydro-carborane) and Small Molecules Containing Several Functional Groups (in spanish)

Kevin Arturo Juarez Ornelas        1992-2021 -  Always in our heart!
Ph.D. thesis: lambda3-Iodane Reagents in Organic Synthesis. Total Synthesis of Russophenol and Methodology for Nitration and Cyanation of Electron-Rich Aryls Mediated by Iodine(III) Reactants. (in Spanish)
Main Supervisor of Thesis: Dr. Cesar Rogelio Solorio Alvarado
Eloy Rodriguez de Leon
Ph.D. thesis: Partial Synthesis, Computational Study of the Mechanism of Formation, Use in the Synthesis of Polymers and Evaluation of the Vasorelaxant Activity of Carotenoids Obtained From (3R,3'R,6'R)-Lutein (in Spanish)
Main Supervisor of Thesis: Prof. Dr. Mamadou Moustapha Bah (Autonomous University of Queretaro)

Currently working as Associate Professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
Angel Renteria Gomez
Ph.D. thesis: Synthesis of Nitrogenated Heterocycles via a MCR/Post-transformation Protocol and Computational and Biological Activity Studies (in Spanish)
Main Supervisor of Thesis: Prof. Dr. Maria del Rocio Gamez Montaño
Currently working at the Texas A&M University
as Post Doctoral Researcher
in the group of
Dr. Osvaldo Gutierrez

Former Master Students

Oscar Francisco Gonzalez Belman

M.Sc. Thesis: The Role of the Metal in the Dual-Metal Catalyzed Hydrophenoxylation of Alkynes (in english)  Double Degree signed with University of Girona (Catalonia)

Co-supervisor of thesis: Dr. Albert Poater i Teixidor (Universitat de Girona)

B.Sc. Thesis: New Rhodium Complexes: Synthesis, Characterization and Reactivity (in spanish)

                     Main Supervisor of Thesis: Dr. Oracio Serrano Torres

Sergio López Azpeitia
M.Sc. Thesis: Development of Cubane-like (Ga-N) and Icosahedral-like (Ga-O) Clusters: Synthesis, Characterization and Computational Study of the Reaction Mechanism (in spanish).

Main Supervisor of Thesis: Dr. Oracio Serrano Torres

Edgar Salvador Fuentes Encinas

Main Supervisor of thesis: Dr. Gustavo Rangel Porras


Former B.Sc. Students

Jose Ramon.JPG
José Ramón Gárate Ruiz


Kazuhiro Santos Tanamachi


Jorge Isaac Diaz Hernandez​​
B.Sc. thesis: Theoretical Study of the Electronic Structure and Reactivity of Scandium Clusters using GUGLOSAC.

Co-supervisor of thesis: Dr. Jose Luis Cabellos Quiroz (Department in Physics Research, UNISON)

Luis Alberto Segura Quezada

B.Sc. thesis: Chlorination, Bromination and Nitration of Arenes Using the System PhIO/AlX3 (X = -Cl, -Br, -(NO3). Computational Study of Nitration. (in Spanish)

Main Supervisor of Thesis: Dr. Cesar Rogelio Solorio Alvarado

Paola Denisse Falcón Torres

B.Sc. thesis: Structure-Property in Oligomers Derived From Aliphatic Polyesters: Effect of Linear and Branched Groups. (in Spanish)

Main Supervisor of thesis: Dr. Jose Eduardo Baez Garcia

Ignacio Migliaro

B.Sc. thesis: Computational Study of the Oxidative Addition of Heteroatom Trihalides to a Pt(0) Complex and the Search for Global Minima in Molecular Systems by means of a Simulated Annealing Algorithm (in Spanish)

Co-supervisor of thesis: Dr. Jose Luis Cabellos Quiroz (Universidad de Sonora)

Currently at the University of North Texas doing his PhD under supervision of
Prof. Dr. Thomas R. Cundari

Call Phone: (+52) 473 73 20006 ext. 8294

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