Email: jjimenez@ugto.mx
Phone (Office): (+52) 473 73 20006 ext. 8294
Department of Chemistry
Division of Exact and Natural Sciences
University of Guanajuato, Campus GTO.
Noria Alta s/n, 36050, Guanajuato, Gto., Mexico
ORCID: 0000-0001-7354-3506
Web of Science ResearchID: J-9231-2019
Photo: MBiol. Douglas Brandon
Dr. J. Oscar C. Jimenez-Halla was born in Oaxaca City in the southern state of Oaxaca, Mexico. He obtained his B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering (1st Class Hons) degree from Oaxaca Institute of Technology in 2002. Then he got his M.Sc. degree from University of Guanajuato in 2005 and, supported by a Ph.D. student scholarship from Catalan government, he made his PhD studies at the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC) of University of Girona, Catalonia, under supervision of Profs. Dr. Miquel Solà and Dr. Juvencio Robles working on reaction mechanisms and aromaticity of small inorganic clusters. During his PhD studies, he did research stays in the groups of Prof. Dr. Thomas Cundari (Denton, North Texas University, USA) and Prof. Dr. Gernot Frenking (Marburg University, Germany). From 2010-2012 he was a postdoctoral research fellow in the groups of Prof. Dr. Gabriel Merino (CINVESTAV, Merida), Prof. Dr. Fahmi Himo (Department of Organic Chemistry, Stockholm University) and Prof. Dr. Holger Braunschweig (Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Julius-Maximilians Würzburg University) working on different reaction mechanisms of catalytic systems of organic and inorganic / organometallic reactions. Then, he joined the Department of Chemistry in 2013 as associate professor. He is the leader of the research group Private Investigator Agency of Molecules. He teaches Thermodynamics, Chemical Kinetics, p-Block Chemistry and Reaction Mechanisms courses for undergrad and graduate levels (and taught general Chemistry and Calculus in the past). He was awarded by the Mexican Researcher System as Level 1 (2010-2017), Level 2 (2018-2021) and Level 3 (2022-till present), the maximum category as Researcher in Mexico. He is Review Editor of Frontiers in Chemistry and Applied Science and Innovative Research journals. He has published more than 100 articles in international peer-review journals, H-index: 26, 1 book of reaction mechanisms in computational chemistry and participated as a speaker in international congresses and science dissemination talks in high-schools and cultural events in Mexico. Our motto is “How can we help you?”.
His favorite hobbies are video games (Street Fighter and others similar… he’s becoming outdated for that!), going to the cinema, reading and writing fiction stories (or not?), listening to Reggae music, watching baseball games of the Guerreros de Oaxaca (Oaxaca Warriors) and meditating. He loves to meet people, learn new languages (if possible) and have more and more true friends.
Here you can find some press notes from Mexican media about us (in spanish):
La Agencia de Detectives Privados de Moléculas published in Milenio newspaper.
La Química Computacional es la Moda del Químico Versátil de Hoy published in University of Guanajuato.
Here you can find some interviews (podcasts) from University media about us (in spanish):
Interview in RadioUG from our EUGreka friends posted in March 29, 2020.
Interview in CULagos-Guadalajara University posted in September 07, 2023.